Lịch Sử Chơi Game

Mình có chơi game. Không nhiều lắm, nhưng thỉnh thoảng cũng có chơi để giải trí. Nhưng có một đặc điểm là chưa…

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Ba Tháng 2021

Bài cuối mình viết cách đây tròn 3 tháng. Thú thực là sau gần 2 năm miệt mài viết, tự đặt deadline mỗi…

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What My Dream Job Is

One of the most memorable Doaremon short stories for me is when Nobita’s dad asks him what he wants to become when he…

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Getting Fat Rapidly

Question: which is worse, losing weight or gaining weight? Having just experienced a week of rapid weight gain where I stuffed my mouth…

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The E-book Man

I previously wrote about Steven Pruitt, the legendary Wikipedian who has an intense voluntary devotion to contributing to humanity’s database of free knowledge….

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Freak Deaths

People die from all kinds of causes every day. For me, I am always hit particularly hard by the sudden and senseless deaths….

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