Be Like Water

Who doesn’t like Bruce Lee? I’m sure every boy has once had a poster of Bruce Lee on his bedroom wall. For me Bruce Lee is not just an incredible martial artist, but also a brilliant philosopher.

When I was a teenager, I remember watching one of his interviews where he delivers the legendary line “Become like water, my friend”. It has been many years, and this quote has been growing on me ever since. It is an excellent guiding philosophy to live your life by.

The Cool Factor

It is important to keep in mind that the impact of the saying comes from the person who says it. Bruce Lee is, without a doubt, one of the coolest human beings to have ever existed (his early death only helps to cement his mystique and legend).

His charisma is evident to anyone who has seen him — the man exudes an intensely calm, collected, arrogantly intelligent, and deeply philosophical vibe. Simply put, he is the alpha male who excels both intellectually and physically.

Just watch the clip of him delivering the interview. It’s freaking mesmerising. Now imagine if a random guy on the street came up to you and said “you’ve got to be like water!”. Wouldn’t have the same effect would it?

I have reflected on the quote, applied my own interpretation, and came up with these four key understandings. 

Water Is Still

When we close our eyes and think about water, we rarely picture a raging sea storm. Instead, we like to imagine the breathtaking calmness of a vast ocean. We think about a falling droplet of water gently breaking surface tension.

Even if the surface of the ocean is rocking with cyclones and violently-hitting waves, the deep ocean below is still remarkably silent and still

To be like water is to be calm and still. Regardless of what happens in the outside world, the inner mind must always remain still. Or like Bruce Lee says, empty your mind.

Empty your mind. Become like water.

Water Is Humble

When I think about water, I also think about silent contribution. Water falls down from the sky into the ground, delivering life and nutrients to soil, plants, animals, all living things. Water is essential to life, and yet it stays below us in the ground, flowing in silence.

I believe the fundamental meaning of life boils down to contributions — what do you give back to the world? Can you say that you have left earth a better place than when you arrived? And how would you do it humbly and noiselessly without any egotistical impulses? To ponder these questions is to figure out the meaning of life for each of us.

Water Is Formless

This is the core of Bruce Lee’s quote: water becomes whatever it becomes. It has no shape.

When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash.

I interpret this as being always flexible and adaptable to the environments we are put in. The world is constantly changing — it is never a good idea to hold on to anything and let yourself become molded by it.

Instead, understand the external circumstances and adapt. Always be ready to get rid of your old form and become something new. There is no such thing as you; only whatever is needed for the moment. Such is the essence of water.

Water Is Consistent

The final lesson that I derive from the idea of becoming like water is its consistency. There is a Vietnamese saying “Nước chảy đá mòn” — The stone can be eroded by the water — emphasising the idea of long-term consistency: water seems harmless and weak, but with enough time it will slowly chip away and destroy even the hardest rock.

Incidentally, there is this quote often attributed to Bruce Lee: Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity. I’m not sure if he actually said it, but I’ve found this to be probably the most fundamental truth in life: consistency is everything. Regardless of what you do, things almost never happen overnight. It always takes years and years of repeated effort to produce anything meaningful and worthy.

The power of consistency: A huge rock eroded by waves

Be Like Water

For many generations of young men, Bruce Lee has been the idol that we look up to. I’m sure Bruce Lee did not come up with this idea on his own, but rather he took inspiration from someone else. But still, I am glad it was him who delivered this simple yet profoundly elegant philosophy.

Be Like Water. This simple concept can help us through times of emotional turmoil (be still), when we question the meaning of our life (contribute), when we find uncertainty in the world (be formless), or when we need motivation to keep on going (be consistent).

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